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Supports Laravel 8, 9, 10, 11

Laravel Query Enrich makes it easy to create complex database queries in Laravel without having to write complicated SQL code. It simplifies the way developers interact with databases, making it more straightforward to build and read queries in Laravel applications. With Query Enrich, you can achieve advanced database operations without the need for extensive SQL knowledge.

Benefits of Using Laravel Query Enrich:

No Hard Query Code

You don't have to struggle with complicated SQL. Laravel Query Enrich makes your queries simpler.

Ensures Cross-Database Compatibility

If you decide to switch the database engine, Laravel Query Enrich eliminates the need for manual code refactoring. It handles the difference between different database engines and makes things switch smoothly, all without needing programmers to do anything!

Easy-to-Read Code

Your code becomes cleaner and easier to understand. Laravel Query Enrich makes interacting with databases in your Laravel applications a breeze.

Improved Performance

Comparatively, handling complex logic on the database level using SQL is often more optimized than doing it in PHP. SQL databases are designed for efficient data manipulation and retrieval, and pushing logic to the database can lead to better performance. Laravel Query Enrich facilitates this optimization by providing an expressive interface for constructing database queries, resulting in improved efficiency and reduced overhead compared to processing complex logic in PHP.

Example Usage

Look at the following examples. They are way cooler with the Laravel Query Enrich. Aren't they? :)

Categorize books into different price categories (using case when)

With Laravel Query Enrich

$books = Book::select(
        ->when(c('price'), '>', 100)->then('expensive')
        ->when(QE::condition(50, '<', c('price')), QE::condition(c('price'), '<=', 100))->then('moderate')

Without Laravel Query Enrich

$books = Book::select(
            WHEN price > 100 THEN "expensive"
            WHEN price BETWEEN 50 AND 100 THEN "moderate"
            ELSE "affordable"
        END AS price_category


select case
           when `price` > 100 then 'expensive'
           when (50 < `price` and `price` <= 100) then 'moderate'
           else 'affordable' end as `price_category`
from `books`

Fetch orders placed in the last 7 days

With Laravel Query Enrich

$recentOrders = DB::table('orders')
    ->where(c('created_at'), '>=', QE::subDate(QE::now(), 7, Unit::DAY))

Without Laravel Query Enrich

$recentOrders = DB::table('orders')
    ->whereRaw('created_at >= NOW() - INTERVAL ? DAY', 7)

Raw Query

FROM `orders`
WHERE `created_at` >= NOW() - INTERVAL 7 DAY;

Get average monthly price for oil and gas (using avg function)

With Laravel Query Enrich

$monthlyPrices = DB::table('prices')

Without Laravel Query Enrich

$monthlyPrices = DB::table('prices')
    ->select(DB::raw('avg(`oil`) as `oil`, avg(`gas`) as `gas`, `month`'))

Raw Query

select avg(`oil`) as `oil`, avg(`gas`) as `gas`, `month`
from `prices`
group by `month`

Fetch authors and check if they have any books (using exists query)

With Laravel Query Enrich

$authors = DB::table('authors')->select(
        Db::table('books')->where('books.author_id', c(''))

Without Laravel Query Enrich

$authors = DB::table('authors')
    DB::raw('exists(select * from `books` where `books`.`author_id` = `authors`.`id`) as `has_book`'))

Raw Query

select `id`,
       exists(select * from `books` where `books`.`author_id` = `authors`.`id`) as `result`
from `authors`
order by `authors`.`id` asc

Getting full name on database level (using concatws)

With Laravel Query Enrich

$authors = Author::select(
    QE::concatWS(' ', c('first_name'), c('last_name'))->as('result')

Without Laravel Query Enrich

$author = Author::select(
    DB::raw("concat_ws(' ', `first_name`, `last_name`) as `result`")

Raw Query

select `first_name`, `last_name`, concat_ws(' ', `first_name`, `last_name`) as `result`
from `authors`